Dambisa Moyo
Dambisa Moyo is a Zambian-born economist and author of
the bestselling book Dead Aid.
Find out what the book is about and explain the main
points briefly and add your own opinions to the text.
Dead Aid is a book by Dambisa Moyo Therefore, the purposes of this book,
aid is defined as the sum total
of both concessionalloans and grants. It is these billions that
have hampered, stifled and retarded Africa's
And it is these billions that
Dead Aid will address
It has long seemed to be problematic, and even a
little embarrassing, that so much of the public debate about Africa's
economic problems should be conducted by non-African white men.
Dambisa Moyo |
‘Why aid is not working and how there is a better way
for Africa” by Dambisa Moyo
For me, in Dead Aid, Dambisa Moyo
does not pull her punches. In a perfect world, she writes, 'what poor countries
at the lowest rungs
of economic development need is not a multi-party
but in fact a decisive benevolent dictator to push
through the
reforms required to get the economy moving.
In other words, rushing to elections before economic
growth has got underway is a recipe for failure. But her most radical proposal
comes in the form of a question. 'What if,' she asks, 'one by one, African countries
each received a phone call ... telling them that in exactly five years the aid
taps would be shut off- permanently?'
My opinion
is, The book's concept - that aid to Africa has not worked - is nothing
new. Moyo bases her argument on incorrect and undocumented facts while
failing to differentiate between different types of aid. Without citing
sources she makes inaccurate claims. But is true that it is embarrassing, that so much of the public debate about Africa's
economic problems should be conducted by non-African white men.
Dambisa Moyo think aid and grants are the source of pervert in Africa
but to me that is not a problem is modernity of that aid, most of the aids and
grants are not on strategic investment like Agriculture, electricity which
could transform our economy to independent economy.
Most of the aids we get on
malaria, AIDS, and other service related. The purpose of donors is to make sure
we never get economic independence. But if aids and grants could on creating
economic independence then could benefits from it.
But also I think its time that we African we should now tray to
use our time and think of how we can develop our countries without any help
from other Continents, first African Union has to be strong on the kind of aid we
have been given.
Conclusion: In Swahili we say “ukimshibisha leo mtu kesho
atahitaji tena” (When you feed me to day with a food and tomorrow I will need
it. So better to have your own food.
Thank You.
Scholastica mazula